
Choose options then drop an audio file here or click to select a file




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EP-133 KO II Settings


Time Stretch

These options set the default playback style when the sample loads in the Teenage Engineering KO II. They are ignored in other samplers.

What Is This?

A tool that modifies the speed and fidelity of audio files.

How Do I Use This?

1. Choose options
2. Upload files (max. 30 sec.)
3. ???
4. Make music

What Do The Options Mean?

Fidelity sets, well, the fidelity of the output. You can choose between CD Quality (46kHz 16 Bit) and approximations of old samplers such as the Emu SP-1200 (26kHz 12 Bit)* or Casio SK-1 (9kHz 8 Bit). Speed sets the speed of the outpu and Channels sets the output channels.

*Due to lack of 12 Bit support in WAV files there are two options for the SP-1200 simulation.

Why Does This Exist?

Speeding up audio samples is an old trick dating back to the first hardware samplers such as the Emu SP-1200 and Akai MPC 60. It was used to get around memory limitations. These days, it's useful for the Roland SP-404 or the Teenage Engineering EP-133 KO II. Now you're asking yourself, "Can't I do this with my DAW?" Sure, you could, but this is a drag & drop solution, and no one forces you to use it anyway.

How Does This Work?

It only uses the WebAudio API and some fairy dust. Files are processed client-side, which means that your audio does not get sent to any servers. If you want to know more, the source code is on GitHub.

What Do I Do With The Files?

Upload them to your sampler and pitch down accordingly.

If you are using the KO II, assign the sample to a pad and either pitch it down or play it chromatically one octave down if you chose 2X and two octaves down if you chose 4X.

Why Did You Make This?

Because I got tired of manually speeding up and resampling samples for my KO II using Ableton.

Who Are You?

My name is David, but I go by Palm and Yūgo. I'm an indie artist mainly doing lo-fi but also other kinds of music. If you want to know more, you can check out my website at